Interesting Links
If you're just looking to waste time...
My new theme song: I've no fucks left to give
How do the Game of Thrones Avengers compare to the Real Avengers? (I love whenpeople do my work for me!)
The Henry's Sign twitter account (this is what happens when my brother is in charge of a large 1950s neon sign....)
Men Take "Birth Control Pill" for a Month
My So-Called Life In The Beautiful Bubble Of The Not-Quite Internet (yup, pretty much my first year in college. Also: ZEPHYR!!)
Avengers Tropes
Irish Olympic Sailing Commentary
HAMILTON Lyric Analyzer Algorithm ("How does ‘Hamilton,’the non stop, hip-hop Broadway sensation tap rap's master rhymes to blur musical lines?")
"REDNECK AVENGERS: TULSA NIGHTS" — A Bad Lip Reading of Marvel's The Avengers
The Magnus Effect (as demonstrated by a basketball)
The Up Goer Five Text Editor
(inspired by the Goer Five)
Conference Bingo
Video Game of Thrones: The Legend of Zelda
Marvel's Avengers Are Every Engineering Team Ever
Nobody. Understands. Punctuation.
Programming Sucks
(and why it doesn't)
How to Put a Toddler to Bed in 100 Easy Steps
If Everyone Still Wrote Like They Did in College
How to Barbecue Chicken Thighs: A Guide for People Who Aren't Assholes